Dreams live in the sky, and how best to achieve them if not having the right tools? AIR BOARD allows you to have in real-time the widest range of Aviation Instruments and Tools most commonly used in General Aviation. Air Board gives you all the informations about your location, speed, altitude, direction, (orientation, tilt and G-forces are available only in the full version) as in the most sophisticated aircraft.
This APP does not work in all its features on iPod Touch.
Instruments available in the LITE Version:
-Speed indicator;
-Magnetic Compass and Heading Indicator;
-Coordinate indicator;
-Accuracy of GPS readings indicator;
Instruments available in Air Board (full version):
-Turn Indicator;
-3 Axes G-force Indicator;
-Artificial Horizon;
-Speed indicator;
-Magnetic Compass and Heading Indicator;
-Coordinate indicator;
-Accuracy of GPS readings indicator;
This App IS NOT for professional use, but it could be intresting to have aeronautics instruments on your iPhone.
Please read the License Agreement on the developer site.